8 (963) 4627092
07:00-24:00 Мск

Контрольная работа № 4 по английскому языку. Вариант 1

Артикул:  09145
Предмет:  Английский язык
Вид работы:  Готовые контрольные работы
В наличии или на заказ:  В наличии
Объём работы:  9  стр.
Стоимость:  240   руб.

Краткое описание

Вариант 1

I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод существительных. Подчеркните существительные в предложении.


Английский текст

Русский текст


1.Our company develops the same product for all markets regardless of existing local preferences.



2.We started tailoring the product features for each country’s national interest two years ago.



3. The shop owner has made the commitment to improve the quality of the customer service.



4. The majority of takeovers damage the interests of the shareholders of the acquiring company.




II.Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на формы и степень сравнения прилагательных.


Английский текст

Русский текст


1.Themostreliable investments are those in real property that is buildings and land.



2.Competition describes the activity to sell more and be more successful.



3. Many employers believe that employees will work harder and more efficiently, and will be happier in their jobs if they become part-owners of the companies they work for.





Present Perfect, Active

2. Brands guarantee the quality of the product or service and add value to them, and consumers get this extra value for money. 



Present Indefinite, Active

3.The company was launching a new product into the market at that time.



Past Continuous, Active

4.The target audience will have been identified by the end of the month.



Future Perfect, Passive



1.Many employers believe that employees will work harder and more efficiently, and will be happier in their jobs if they become part-owners of the companies they work for.



2.The best from of advertising is probably word-of-mouth advertising, which occurs when people tell their friends about the benefits of products and services that they have purchased.




  III. Перепишите, в каждом предложении подчеркните глагол-сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.



Английский текст

Русский текст


1. Exorbitant measures made by our chief have not improved the situation in the company. 



Present Perfect, Active

2. Brands guarantee the quality of the product or service and add value to them, and consumers get this extra value for money. 



Present Indefinite, Active

3. The company was launching a new product into the market at that time.



Past Continuous, Active

4. The target audience will have been identified by the end of the month.



Future Perfect, Passive




Английский текст

Русский текст



1.Many start-up businesses take a loan in a bank.




What do many start-up businesses take in a bank?


2.        Top managers are appointed and supervised and advised by a company’s board of directors.



Whom are appointed and supervised and advised top managers by?


3.        Credit cards have been sequentially launched in the Asia-Pacific region.




What have been sequentially launched in the Asia-Pacific region?


4.        The question about adapting our product to the local markets will be included into the agenda of our meeting.




Where will the question about adapting our product to the local markets be included into?



 V. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.


Английский текст

Русский текст


1.                  According to the agreement, we are not allowed to sever our relationship with this firm.



2.                  Managers should have amicable relationships with their staff members.



3.                  Customers can be kept if they receive a good quality product or service on their first visit.



4.                  Because of cutting down the number of our customers we have to improve our policy of attracting customers and try to retain them.



VI. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова:
a) герундий;
b) причастие I, II;
c) инфинитив.

Английский текст

Русский текст


1. In case we have time tomorrow we’ll discuss a couple of crucial issues concerning our salaries.



concerning – причастие I

2. Developing a new business in the environment of strong resistance is a challenge.



Developing – герундий в роли подлежащего

3. Having sold his shares he was sorry about that, when dividends increased.



Having sold - причастие II

4. We have no intention to order these goods.



to order – инфинитив

VII. Перепишите и письменно переведите экономический текст.


Английский текст

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

As business entities go, Limited-Liability Companies (or «LLCs») are gaining popularity among small businesses, partnerships, and individuals, due to the attractive financial, tax, and legal benefits they afford. LLCs are relatively inexpensive to set up and maintain. You can save a few dollars and gain valuable experience by doing some of the work yourself if you are willing to accept the risks.

A business plan will help serve as a blueprint to all aspects of your business, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Also, it will help you understand market analysis, organization and management, and the funding required.

The name for your company must include «LLC». Generally, it is a good idea to provide some indication of the service you provide (e.g., ABC Widgets, LLC), but you should find out if it is not already registered with the state and does not violate any trademarks. And do not use your given name, e.g. «John Doe, LLC» for your business.


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