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Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Вариант 9 (1)

Артикул:  08414
Предмет:  Английский язык
Вид работы:  Готовые контрольные работы
В наличии или на заказ:  В наличии
Объём работы:  4  стр.
Стоимость:  240   руб.

Краткое описание

Задание.1 Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите видовременные формы глаголов и залог, укажите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Shakespeare's plays were written in poetry.

2. After he had left school he began working at a plant.

3. We were discussing .the first question when the delegation came.

4. They have been friends ever since they met at the conference.

Задание.2 Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык причастий /Participle I и Participle II/. Подчеркните причастия, помните, что причастие в предложении может выполнять функции определения, обстоятельства или составной части глагола-сказуемого.

1. The Congress was attended by delegations from many countries representing 60,000,000 organized workers.

2. Looking at the map one can see that Great Britain is separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.

3. The man reading near the window is our English teacher.

Задание. 3  Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент, переведите предложения на русский язык 

1. Great Britain was able to create a powerfull heavy industry earlier than any other country of the world.

2. The British home market/ Британский внутренний рынок/, cannot consume more than half of the produced goods. New markets abroad must be found.

3. During the debates he had to change his point of view.

Задание. 4  Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык текст.

Пояснения к тексту: 

Surprisingly little is known - Удивительно мало известно

He is thought to have left Stratford for London. - Полагают, что он уехал из Стратфорда в Лондон.

by collaborating with ethers - сотрудничая другими


1. Wiliam Shakespeare was one of the greatest dramatists and one of the most famous playwrights of the world. He was born at Stradford-on-Avon on the 23rd of April, 1564. Surprisingly little is known of his life. It is probable that he was educated at Stratford Grammar School. The next thing we know definitely is that in 1582 at the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years older than himself, and that by 1585 three children had been born of the marriage. He is thought to have left Stratford in 1585 for London.

2. Whether he took his wife and children with him to London or what he himself did there before 1592 is not known, but from a pamphlet published in that year by 17 Robert Greene we have news of him as an actor and a playwright. In 1593 Shakespeare was a member of the Lord Chamberlain's Company, writing plays for it and acting with it in various theatres. In 1611 when still under fifty years of age Shakespeare retired to his native town. He died there on the 23rd of April, 1616.

3. Shakespeare probably began his work as a dramatist by collaborating with others and improving old plays which his company wished to revive.

4. Soon his town comedies were staged and his historical plays began to appear. Many of his best plays, such as "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet", "The Merchant of Venice", "King Lear", "Macbeth", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Othello", etc. are still as popular as ever and are played at theatres all over the world.

5.  Shakespeare's literary work is usually divided into three periods. The first period falls between 1590 and. 1600. .His comedies belong to this period. The plays of this period are notable for their light wit and optimism. The heroes are the creators of their own fate. The plays of this period are "The Comedy of Errors", "The Taming of the Shrew", "Much Ado About Nothing", etc.

6. Shakespeare was not only a playwright but a poet too. His 154 sonnets were published in 1609. All his famous tragedies appeared between 1600 and , 1608. This was the second period of his full maturity.

He presents great human problems. He proves that it is not enough to be clever in order to achieve happiness, that human relations depend on social problems. He shows the social injustices and suffers from them together with roan. Something must be done to change the world, the laws of man and his morals. This is stressed in the great tragedies of Hamlet and King Lear. His tragedies and historical plays made Shakespeare the greatest humanist of the English Renaissance.


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