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Контрольная работа по Английскому языку (7)

Артикул:  09147
Предмет:  Английский язык
Вид работы:  Готовые контрольные работы
В наличии или на заказ:  В наличии
Объём работы:  4  стр.
Стоимость:  240   руб.

Краткое описание

I.Прочитайте текст, заполнив пропуски, выбрав один из четырех предложенных вариантов. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Cash and Credit Cards

__1___ is a machine from which ___2___ can ___3__ money from their bank accounts, using their ___4__ cards. They can do it at any ___5____ of their bank. With the cash card, customers also receive a PIN (personal identification number). This number is kept secret even from the ____6___ of the bank. When using a cash point, customers ____7___ the card and key the PIN in. By following a clear set of instructions, which appear ___8___ the video screen, they can withdraw cash up to a certain ___9____, check the balance of their account or deposit money. 

When you buy something you show your ____10___ card to the ___11__. She or he takes the details of your card: the number, the credit limit and the ___12___ date. Each month the credit card company sends the ___13__ an account, which lists that month’s ___14___ and __15___ charges.

1. A. cash machineB. cash giverC. cash pointD. cash dealer

2. A. customersB. sellersC. shop assistantsD. bankers

3. A. take offB. withdrawC. put offD. withhold

4. A. cashB. indexC. identityD. plastic

5. A. cornerB. placeC. pointD. branch

6. A. colleaguesB. staffC. workersD. collaborators

7. A. put outB. put offC. put inD. put up

8. A. atB. onC. inD. within

9. A. numberB. figureC. borderD. limit

10. A. cashB. creditC. identityD. plastic

11. A. shopperB. customerC. consumerD. shop assistant

12. A. expiryB. birthC. currentD. important

13. A. shopperB. shopkeeperC. sellerD. cardholder

14. A. transportationsB. translationsC. transactionsD. transcriptions

15. A. moneyB. interestC. payD. income

II. Задайте вопросы к имеющимся предложениям – ответам.

1.______________________? – It takes me 20 min to get to work.

2._______________________? – I moved to St. Petersburg in 1995.

3._______________________? – No, I don’t like playing football.

4._______________________? – Yes, I’ve been to Italy twice.

5._______________________? – I’ve known him all my life.

6._______________________? – It costs me 100 dollars.

7._______________________? – I go to the dentist 4 times a year.

III. Заполните пропуски глаголом to write в нужной временной форме.

1. We often ___ thank you letters to our customers.

2. What ___ you ___ now?

3. Yesterday they ____ tests from 10 till 12 o’clock.

4. Who ___ this letter?

5. I ____ some letters last week.

6. What ___ you ___tomorrow at 10?

7. When I came into the office, the secretary ___ a letter.

8. ___ you ___letters tomorrow?

9. I __ not __ this letter now. I ___ it in some days.

10. ___ he ___ a letter now?

11. What ___ she ___ in the evening yesterday?

12. As a rule, he ___ tests well.

IV. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужные формы страдательного залога.

1. Those books (return) to the library yesterday.

2. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month.

3. The patient (take) to the hospital today, and (operate) tomorrow morning.

4. This room (use) on special occasions.

5. Usually the experiments (carry out) every day, but they (not carry out) yesterday.

V. Напишите предложения во множественном числе.

1. A new house is in our street. 2. A woman, a man, a boy and a girl are in the room. 3. What is your name? 4. The plate was on the table. 5. This town is very large. 6. Is this a good match? 7. My grandmother keeps a sheep, a goose, a swine, a dog and a cat. 8. Yesterday I saw a deer. 

VI. Напишите нужную форму местоимений.

1. Ask (его) to phone (мне). 2. This is (моя) boat, and that is (их). 3. I like (её) photos very much. 4. Give me (твой) dictionary. 5. Whose book is this? – It is (наша). 6. Take (его) pen. 

VI. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на не личные формы глагола.

1. We knew him to be a good sportsman.

2. Go on reading.

3. I had my car repaired yesterday.

4. On seeing me he left the classroom.

5. The man reading a book glanced at his watch now and then. 

6. I don’t mind going on foot.

7. The problem is worth discussing.

8. They couldn’t help learning the poem by heart.

9. Henry is said to have been smoking for 20 years.

10. On his way home he saw many children playing in the garden.


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